Sunday, August 18, 2013

How to understand energy in relation to our body

I often receive questions from people, including clients, about energy and how it relates to their bodies. Sometimes, they struggle to comprehend how energy operates within them. The first thing you must understand is that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Our bodies and everything on this planet consist of energy. We can visually perceive physical objects with our eyes because the vibration of the energy they are made of is slow. However, they are still ENERGY.

Higher vibrations of energy are invisible. You can see a radio, but you cannot see the wavelengths. Sound still travels, and the radio serves as both the receiver and the output.

We operate in a similar manner. Let me provide two examples:

Imagine a transparent glass cup filled with coffee. It appears dark, right? Now, picture pouring a bit of milk into it. What happens? The coffee lightens. The more milk you add, the lighter the coffee becomes. In fact, if you continue pouring milk without stopping, it will overflow, and you'll see the coffee spilling out until there's nothing left but milk.

Energetically, we function in a similar way. At some point in your life, or perhaps several times, you have entered a room or met someone, and you immediately sensed they were in a bad mood or that something was wrong. You might have even said they had "bad energy." We tend to store negative emotions in our bodies. Our natural state is to be clear and free of darkness or negativity. If you imagine yourself like a cup of coffee, you too can lighten your energy.

How, you ask? Running your energy is one effective method. Start by acknowledging that you might be carrying some negativity and that you want to fill yourself with light. All you need to do is visualize this process.

Guided imagery can be incredibly powerful. Here's an example:

Picture yourself at a drive-through bank. You know how you send a deposit in a tube, and it travels to the teller? You can release your negativity in a similar manner. Imagine placing your negativity into the cylinder and sending it to the center of the earth for recycling. After you've let it go, visualize it returning, empty but filled with revitalizing positive energy to replenish your body. Open it and absorb it.

You can also envision God showering His love upon you from above. Open your mind and heart, and visualize God sprinkling golden flakes of love all over your body, starting at the top of your head and descending through your entire system.

With time and practice, as you consistently release any darkness or negativity, you'll raise your vibration and begin to feel better. Whenever you experience emotions like anger or frustration, consider using guided meditation or similar techniques to visualize those emotions leaving your body. They don't belong there; visualize them departing.

If you'd like more examples or assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out to me via email or by scheduling an appointment

With Love,

My decision to Finally Heal and focus on myself.

I've always been interested in herbs, healing, and self-care. However, I wasn't really good at taking care of myself. Can you relate? My decision to start on my personal healing path began when I turned 30. But the action to be serious and actually start working on myself didn't happen until a year later when I turned 31. My decision to heal should have taken place when I was 27 and was hospitalized for 7 days with DVT (deep vein thrombosis) and PE (pulmonary embolism). You would think that having your entire leg filled with blood clots and two in your lungs would wake you up and show you that you need to change your life. No, on the first day I was in the hospital, I was so worried about my job that I had to have my computer to continue working. I remember asking my boss if I was going to get fired or if I would still have a job, and he laughed at how ridiculous I sounded. He told me to focus on getting better. However, I wasn't willing to take that risk, and I worked from the hospital bed, miserable about being tied there for 7 days.

Years later, I had all my close girlfriends out for my 30th birthday. I happened to be living in Florida at the time, so we had a great time. I remember the first night we were together, and I made a toast/declaration. I said, "From here on out, the next 30 years are going to be about me and balance. I'm going to have a life and not work as much." Well, they ALL laughed and basically said, "Yeah, right." My girlfriends knew me really well. They knew that I was a workaholic and put my job before anything else. They had all witnessed me prioritize my career over my relationships and saw it lead to their demise. They were also aware that I was constantly flying out to different places for work and was only home a few days a week. How could I possibly have a life? I was disturbed by their response, but deep down, I knew they were right. However, I was convinced I was going to change.

My birthday was in June, and a year later, in July, I realized that nothing had changed. I was still working crazy hours, and I still had no life. Playing volleyball once a week was about all I did for myself personally. Oh, and spending money on food and retail items, which made me feel better. Anyway, I was frustrated that a year had gone by, and my job was even more stressful. That year had been miserable. Looking back, I had made a promise to my spirit, and the year was so tough because I started seeing how I was sacrificing myself for things that didn't matter. I was making poor decisions and putting myself last. Well, enough was enough. I left my job a month after I turned 31, and this was my prayer: "God, please bring me like-minded people. Please help me on my healing path and put me on the path to my destiny."

Three weeks later, I received a phone call from a good friend who was the owner of a network marketing company. We had talked a few years back, and I had told him I couldn't leave my job because I was making too much money to make a change. Well, he knew what my salary was, so if he was offering me something now, it might be around the same. When we spoke, and he suggested I interview, I said no, as I had just quit my job and planned a trip to Israel in a few months. I wasn't looking for employment. He began to tell me that they had a group of healers who were doing really well with the product, but the company didn't know how to work with them. He thought of me because he said they were selling the product like crazy because it had "good vibrations." He said it with so much laughter because he didn't understand that concept. He said they needed me because I spoke their language. Well, I decided to interview to hear more because he had piqued my curiosity.

I ended up making an offer of a salary and a place to live. I didn't think for a million years that they would hire me at my desired salary, which was $8,000 more a year than what I was getting paid in my previous job. I thought that by putting a high price out there, they would say no, and I would have to continue with my original plan. To my surprise, they accepted my offer, and I got the job. I'm sharing this part of my story because God played a significant role in it. He knew I was still motivated financially, and He had put me in contact with like-minded people who could help me on my healing journey. To this day, they are my spiritual family. I asked, and I received. For that, I am always thankful.

It hasn't been an easy road for healing. I thought that since I made the decision to heal, my life would be easy.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

EGO- what is it exactly? Does your Rule your life?

Ego is not just about being conceited, as most people have related to it. Everyone has an ego, some stronger and more noticeable than others. Ego represents one's "self" or "identity." How do you identify yourself? Does your ego rule you? Maybe you're not sure or perhaps you need help with it. Either way, you should know whether you are operating out of your ego or your higher self. If you operate from your higher self rather than ego, you will see your life improve. Your relationships will improve, as will your work relationships. You will be connected with your higher self once you start understanding your ego.

The thing is, we don't have to fight it, hate it, or reject it. We need to learn how to work with it and understand it.

Our ego wants to rule our body. It's also the voice in your mind that may tell you that you can't do something or that you aren't good enough. Why does it do that? It does so to prevent your higher self from ruling your physical body. It's all about control and being in the forefront. If you get your ego in check, it has to move to the background, and then you are connected to your higher self, and your spirit begins to speak. Your spirit has your best interests at heart, wanting you to operate out of your highest nature. This allows you to see your true calling, true nature, and be aware of your intuitive gifts, which everyone possesses. You'll start to feel free, happy, loving, and more. You will also be able to see the love and potential in other people.

Here are ways to identify if you are operating from your ego. Ask YOURSELF:

  1. Do I judge people?
  2. Do I judge myself?
  3. Do I self-criticize?
  4. Do I criticize others? (This usually happens to divert focus from self.)
  5. Do I tell people what they should do but don't do it myself? (Hypocrisy)
  6. Am I focused on negative situations?
  7. Am I listening to those negative thoughts?
  8. Do I surround myself with people who operate from their egos?
  9. Do my emotions get the best of me?

These are just a few questions to ponder. If you regularly engage in any of these behaviors, consider moving away from them. Start looking at your behaviors. How are you responding to people? How are you relating to people?

The first step in understanding and identifying if you are operating from your ego is to take a look at your behavior. If you recognize it, notice it, and then start to change it.

Letting go of judgment was one of the hardest things I had to do because I didn't even realize how often I was judging myself and others. When we judge, we don't allow others to be themselves. There is no love or kindness in judgment.

To fully heal yourself, you need to start from within, and working on your ego is a great place to start.

If you need suggestions or want me to elaborate on this subject, please email me, and we can discuss it.

I've done a lot of work on my ego and shadow self. It wasn't a pretty process, and I'm still working on it. The one thing I can say is that I fully recognize when my ego tries to intervene. It becomes a more manageable challenge if you let it be!

Be your higher self. Let your light shine. Act in kindness. Love yourself and everyone.


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Negative Emotions- how they affect us

Negative emotions - we all experience them, right? They come and go, but what happens when they hit you hard? What are your options for dealing with them? How do you process these emotions? Do you resort to substances like drugs, alcohol, or retail therapy? There are several ways to handle them, which I'll be discussing. But first, you need to understand the effect they have on the body. Every emotion is stored in our cellular tissue, becoming a memory. So, even if you think you've effectively dealt with a certain emotion, it may resurface. Your body might experience it differently, causing pain, irritation, discomfort, disease, or even cancer. Your body doesn't want these unresolved memories, and if you haven't addressed the emotions, your body will find a way to get your attention until you do. If you decide to start healing yourself, these emotions may surface through your body, which can take days, months, years, or even several years. You might be wondering how this is possible - is it true? I'll share one of my personal experiences of processing emotions through my body, and then we'll discuss the options you have to deal with them.

Last year, when I was living in North Carolina, I was practicing hands-on healing work, primarily massage. One day, I noticed a small bump on one of my fingers, and upon closer inspection, I thought it might be a wart, although it didn't quite look like one. I didn't pay it much attention and assumed it would disappear on its own. However, after a few days, I noticed more of these bumps, around six on my fingers and on both hands. At this point, I began to feel concerned. A day later, my hands appeared to have developed a rash, but it was mainly under the skin, except for those few bumps I had initially discovered. It didn't itch, nor did it burn, but I was increasingly worried. I reached out to my Holistic Healer, who had me on a detox and nutritional/herbal formula. He reassured me that this was a positive sign that things were coming out. I agreed but remained somewhat concerned. I decided not to give massages until the issue resolved. However, after a week, it had only gotten worse. The rash began to surface, and I now had it on my stomach and feet. At this point, I was genuinely scared and began worrying that I had contracted something from a client. That possibility was not far from my mind.

After another week, things took a turn for the worse. The bumps grew larger and were raised above the skin's surface. They resembled sores but were not open. Now, I was really panicked and decided to take myself to a walk-in clinic. That was my first mistake, although I had an inkling it wouldn't help. What could they possibly tell me? I thought it was just a detox reaction. After waiting for two hours, the nurse took one look at my hand and said she couldn't help me and that I needed to go to the ER. Frustrated, I drove to the ER, where the wait was thankfully only 30 minutes. The new nurse from the ER examined my hand, asked me several questions, and then suggested, "I think you have secondary syphilis." I inquired about what that meant, and she explained that it was a sexually transmitted disease but treatable. She said she needed to draw blood and get a sample. As soon as she left the room, I grabbed my phone and began researching on Google, which only heightened my worry and anxiety. I went through the images section and was horrified by what I saw. Was this really happening? I knew deep down that this couldn't be it, but my heightened emotional state led to tears streaming down my face.

Another nurse entered to take a "sample" with a swab. I asked her what she was going to do with it, and she replied that she was going to swab my sore. I showed her that they were not open sores or anything to swab. This made me even more upset, but I calmed myself down because I knew that if it was indeed what they suspected, at least it was treatable. The nurse agreed that there was nothing to swab, and we proceeded with a blood test.

As I left the hospital, mortified, the worst part was that I had to wait three days for the test results. It was an agonizing three days. I tried to connect with my spirit but realized I couldn't see past my emotions and frustration. So, what did I do? I called my spiritual mentor, which I should have done in the first place. You know how sometimes you don't want to burden people with your issues. But considering that she was also a registered nurse, she should have been my first choice. I knew that this was something I was processing energetically and emotionally, and a simple detox would have cleared up any physical symptoms within a few weeks.

Thanks to my mentor, Nancy, we got to the bottom of it. As soon as she brought clarity to the situation and the emotions I was feeling, everything made sense. In short, she was able to view my body from an energetic perspective, and all she said was that I had a lot of anger and frustration coming up. My body didn't know how to process these emotions, so they manifested in my hands and feet. She was absolutely right. I had been suppressing and ignoring my frustration and anger about several life situations. I had been planning to deal with these emotions later. After performing some energy work and acknowledging my emotions, I began to work on processing them.

This experience was similar to a previous one I had, which involved severe swelling in my abdominal area. That time, I was processing the need to "know" and dealing with anxiety. Irritating as it may have been, I had also requested a swift release of my emotional baggage during that period.

Now, let's talk about your options when dealing with emotions. You have several, but let's discuss three of them. You could:

  1. Ignore the emotions and give yourself a hard time for having them.
  2. Dive deep into them, throw a pity party, and remain stuck there.
  3. Honor the emotion, accept that it's a part of healing, and give yourself a time limit before moving on.

So, let's discuss disappointment, which is a challenging emotion. It often triggers other emotions like anger, sadness, and self-loathing. But how about choosing option #3? Honoring an emotion can be incredibly powerful. Society often teaches us that emotions are bad. For men, they are seen as a sign of weakness, while for women, they are seen as excessive. Society encourages us to control our emotions, but I believe we should learn to honor them. Emotions can arise as protection, distractions, calls for attention, or victimization. However, it's important to remember that they don't define us. It's okay to feel emotions, but it's equally important to remember that they don't define us. It's okay to feel emotions, but it's equally important to acknowledge them. Sometimes, we might not even understand where a particular emotion is coming from, and that's perfectly fine. Some days, we might feel sadness for no apparent reason. Regardless of the severity of the emotion, we can choose how long we allow ourselves to stay in that emotional state.

For instance, if it's a fleeting feeling, we might only experience it for a brief moment. We can inquire why it's there, engage in some self-talk, and move on within minutes if it's not particularly intense. For example, we might say to ourselves, "I recognize you, 'sadness,' but I won't dwell here. I used to feel this way, but not anymore." It's helpful to anchor yourself in the present moment by reminding yourself of the current date and your age. This approach works whether the emotion is tied to a recent experience or something from years ago. The past is the past, and recognizing it as such can help you transition to the present.

However, when you find yourself deeply immersed in an emotion, people have various ways of dealing with it. Remember when I asked you about your "vice"? I could easily have gone home and consumed a bottle of wine in the past as a way to escape my emotions. While it might have provided temporary relief, it's essential to understand that such coping mechanisms can be more damaging than you realize.

If you feel that you're drowning in your emotions and are tempted to turn to your vice, consider making an agreement with yourself. Allow yourself to fully experience the emotion, and think about how long you'd like to stay in that emotional state. There have been times when I allowed myself to do nothing and stay in bed for three days because I knew I had a lot to process. This might be extreme for some or not enough time for others. It's crucial to check in with yourself and determine what's reasonable. This approach applies to any emotion or life situation. Once you make this agreement, dive into your feelings, knowing that the emotional storm will pass within the time you've allotted for it.

When that predetermined time arrives, honor your commitment to yourself. You may still feel a trace of the emotion, but self-talk can be immensely helpful. Remind your body and spirit that you've given the emotion its allotted time. If you require more time, make another arrangement to revisit it. Some emotions and circumstances are more challenging than others, and this tool allows you to begin processing them so they don't have long-term effects on your cellular body.

Emotions like loss, death, or unforgiveness can be particularly challenging to address. These emotions tend to recruit others, such as bitterness, hurt, sadness, anxiety, and depression, if left unattended. Don't let yourself avoid or stay stuck in an emotion. If you're grappling with an emotion from the past, let it go. It's a common misconception that healing an emotion means forgetting about it. You can still remember an event or issue without holding onto the associated emotions. The moment you begin emotionally relating to it, use self-talk. Say something like, "I remember you, I remember that feeling. It was in the past, not today. I won't forget you, but I won't stay in this emotion."

Emotional healing is a powerful process that can happen instantaneously or gradually. Have you been wanting to forgive someone? Have you been wanting to let go of a particular emotion? Are you ready to heal? It can begin as soon as you say yes and make the decision. You have control over how you respond when the emotion resurfaces. Fill your life with love and light, releasing negative emotions to free yourself and those around you.

If you need clarification or would like more information, please feel free to comment or contact me. You don't have to process these emotions alone. Just say yes to healing.


Monday, July 8, 2013

DO NOT let religion get the best of you. You may miss out on blessings.

I had to write about my experiences with religion, with the hope of opening people's minds and hearts to various belief systems. I want to offer a pre-emptive apology if anyone is offended because I'll be discussing multiple religions. I must also mention that some of my friends will be mentioned in this narrative, and if you're one of them, I want to express my gratitude for being a part of my life. This account is simply a reflection of my encounters with people from different religious backgrounds and the lessons I've gleaned from these interactions.

With that said, I want to emphasize that I love all people, regardless of their beliefs or religious affiliations. I choose to assess individuals based on the goodness of their hearts and their intentions, rather than their religious beliefs. It's not my place to pass judgment on others.

In this narrative, I'll be sharing my experiences with individuals from various religious backgrounds, including Catholics, Christians, Jehovah's Witnesses, Baha'i Faith practitioners, atheists, mystics, and Muslims. Through these experiences, I hope to provide insight into my personal journey thus far and the wonderful people I've had the privilege to meet. If I had judged them solely based on their religious affiliations, I would have missed out on the opportunity to form meaningful friendships.

When I was around 8 years old, I attended church with my neighbor. It was my first time going to church because my family didn't attend, and we rarely discussed God. As a curious child, I was eager to learn about this "God" person. My mother had a large Bible full of pictures, and I remember falling in love with the images of angels. So, when I received an invitation to church, I was glad to accept it. At that age, I wasn't aware of different denominations; I believed there was only one church, one religion, and one way to learn about God.

During the church service, I listened intently. I distinctly recall the "father" asking if we wanted to give our lives to Jesus. I was deeply moved and inspired, feeling both ready and excited to do so. However, as we got up to take communion, my neighbor informed me that I couldn't participate. My heart sank, and I couldn't comprehend why. In that moment, I felt unworthy and like a bad child because I saw other children my age going up and receiving Christ. I couldn't understand why I wasn't accepted by God. Now, years later, I understand that the Catholic religion has a specific process one must go through, but as a child, it instilled negative emotions and beliefs about myself and God.

In my twenties, I began my search for God once again, seeking answers. I hadn't actively pursued this since my experience in the Catholic Church as a child. At the time, I was working at a spa in Mount Pleasant, Michigan, and I had developed a close relationship with another massage therapist. We used to exchange massages between clients. One day, I confided in her about some experiences I had during my massages, such as seeing things in people's bodies or receiving messages about their well-being. I asked her if she thought this could be a form of communication from God. To my surprise, she replied, "God doesn't communicate with people that way. You must be tapping into something dark."

This response prompted me to delve deeper into this matter. I asked her how she knew this and if she could provide evidence. She agreed to show me and began studying the Bible together, using pamphlets as a guide. I was impressed by the organization of her study, and I had many questions about the source and authorship of these materials. It turned out that people all over the world were studying the same material from the same book. I was eager to gather information, and she was passionate about teaching it.

However, as I continued learning, I found that I didn't agree with everything she was telling me, and she couldn't address some of my questions adequately. I was particularly interested in revisiting the topic of my intuitive abilities while working with clients, but her response remained that God no longer communicated with people in that manner. My heart couldn't accept this teaching, and I also couldn't reconcile her disbelief in angels. While I respected her and her organization's efforts, I ultimately realized that this path wasn't for me.

During my time at the spa, I had an encounter with a client that left a lasting impact. It was my first session with this client, a 60-minute massage. However, it turned out to be a divine appointment. As I worked on him, he began talking about spiritual concepts like the law of attraction and manifesting. At the time, I was skeptical, but I listened attentively. I shared that sometimes I sensed things in people's bodies, not just physically but emotionally. Intriguingly, he asked for my address, and I felt an inexplicable sense of peace about giving it to him.

A few weeks later, I received tapes from Caroline Myss on energy anatomy. I vividly remember setting the scene for listening to them, running a bath, lighting a candle, and pressing play. However, after only 10 minutes, I was confused by what Caroline Myss was saying. I couldn't comprehend her message, so I placed the tapes in a box, where they remained undiscovered for years.

In my mid-twenties, I relocated to San Diego, where I worked at a spa downtown. I met a stylist there, and we quickly became friends due to our shared clients and interests. Despite working in an industry often marked by negativity and drama, she remained positive and drama-free, which drew me to her. One day, she mentioned attending a seminar in Los Angeles that focused on creating your own reality and positive thinking. I was intrigued and wanted to know more, and she mentioned the seminar's speaker, Caroline Myss. This name sounded familiar, and I remembered the tapes I had received years earlier.

Excited, I dug out the tapes, and this time, I found resonance in Caroline Myss's teachings. I ended up attending the seminar, which marked a turning point in my life. I immersed myself in Caroline Myss's books and learned about topics like "Anatomy of the Spirit" and "Sacred Contracts." While her other spiritual workshops were expensive, I managed to attend one later on.

After spending several years in San Diego, I returned to Michigan and met a woman at a former job who instantly captivated me with her unique charm. She hailed from England, and she introduced me to concepts of communicating with spirits. Her stories about encounters with the deceased and hearing their voices intrigued me, especially since I felt comfortable discussing these matters with her. However, her spiritual approach differed from the traditional religious perspective I was familiar with.

Curious, I asked her how she acquired this knowledge and whether it was supported by the Bible. She confessed to knowing little about the Bible; instead, she listened to her heart. This openness conflicted with my preconceived notions, but I appreciated her confidence and reverence. She invited me to join her in a class she was attending on the subject, and I reluctantly agreed to explore her beliefs. During one meditation session led by the instructor, the woman singled me out and said she saw angels all around me. She even provided a specific number of angels she perceived. Surprisingly, her insights were highly accurate, and I opened up to her about my fear of night experiences, where I sometimes saw things or people. She explained that these were my spirit guides and offered guidance on how to communicate with them and seek their protection.

This encounter broadened my perspective, and I became more open to diverse beliefs. I realized that spirituality transcends rigid religious boundaries. However, my quest for spiritual understanding was far from over.

I recognized that my journey could not be limited by traditional religious frameworks. I wanted to explore various belief systems and learn from people with diverse backgrounds and experiences. I believed that if I connected with grounded, energetic, and kind-hearted individuals, I could gain deeper insights into my spirituality.

My relocation from Michigan to San Diego led to another pivotal encounter. While filling up at a gas station, a fellow customer noticed my Michigan license plates and struck up a conversation with me. She had also lived in Michigan and offered to show me around the San Diego area. Our friendship quickly blossomed as we explored clubs, concerts, and shared moments with her welcoming Filipino family. Through this newfound friendship, I learned that she followed the Baha'i Faith, a belief system I hadn't encountered before.

Intrigued by her faith, I asked her to explain it to me. She described how Baha'is believe that God sends messengers at various times in history to share essential messages. They also revere Jesus and His teachings. She introduced me to Bahá'u'lláh, who emerged 120 years after Jesus with a new message. While our conversations about her faith were brief, I cherished her as a friend. I could sense her deep spirituality and connection with God. Later, I attended a gathering of the Baha'i Faith and appreciated the warmth and inclusiveness of the community. My friend's spiritual path intrigued me, and I believed she and her fellow Baha'is had a unique connection with God.

Now, let me share the story of the forgotten tapes. As I mentioned earlier, I had stored away some tapes by Caroline Myss, an author and spiritual teacher, after initially being unable to connect with her message. After hearing her name mentioned by my friend in San Diego, I felt drawn to revisit those tapes. This time, I found her teachings resonating with me, and I eagerly devoured her books and attended one of her seminars, which became a life-changing experience.

After several years in San Diego, I returned to Michigan, where I met a woman at a former job who radiated positivity and energy. Despite not knowing each other well, we formed an instant connection. She introduced me to the concept of healing and mentioned attending a seminar in Los Angeles. Her discussion of healing piqued my interest, especially since my experiences in the spa industry had exposed me to various perspectives on wellness.

However, when she suggested that she could see an issue with my first chakra and offered to perform a healing on me, I hesitated. I was cautious about these alternative practices and questioned their compatibility with my beliefs. Nonetheless, I agreed, and she performed the healing. Later, she explained that she could conduct the healing remotely, even while she was in Hawaii. Skeptical yet curious, I allowed her to proceed.

To my surprise, I experienced a profound transformation. I woke up with newfound energy, joy, peace, and positivity—a stark departure from my usual morning disposition. These feelings had been absent in my life for a long time, and I knew something extraordinary had occurred. Furthermore, the accuracy of her insights during the healing and her understanding of my life's challenges left me in awe.

I became her student, traveling to Washington for her intuitive class. She later invited me to a spiritual workshop and a spiritual tour to South Africa. During the tour, I encountered Sangomas, traditional South African healers, who conveyed messages similar to those I had received from others across diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds. It perplexed me that individuals with different religions could deliver consistent messages and validate my life's path and spiritual gifts. Moreover, I attended a Christian church in South Carolina, where I received prophetic words that echoed the same messages.

However, my introduction to the prophetic realm occurred a year earlier at a Christian church in Santa Maria, California. My sister, who shares different beliefs, invited me to attend a meeting on dream interpretation. Intrigued by the idea of Christians engaging in this practice, I joined her. At the meeting, I encountered Doug Addison, a Christian evangelist, who delivered a message that left a lasting impact. He noted the presence of the "light of God" around me and prophesied that I would help people find their destinies.

This experience challenged my preconceived notions about religious boundaries. It became evident that divine messages transcended religious affiliations and could be found in unexpected places. I realized that it was essential to focus on a person's heart and spiritual intent rather than their religious label. Love and acceptance were the common themes among all these diverse spiritual encounters.

In my journey, I have received messages, readings, and prophetic words from various individuals, each with their unique beliefs and practices. I've come to understand that while the terminology may differ, the core messages often align. If one is grounded, possesses a loving heart, and seeks a genuine connection with God, they need not fear exploring these diverse sources of spiritual insight. Each person can take these messages into their heart and discern their personal truths.

In conclusion, my experiences have led me to realize that God can communicate through anyone, regardless of their religious background. It's not about seeking out these messages, but rather, it's about recognizing the love and acceptance that should unite us all, transcending denominations and belief systems. I continue to cherish my friendships with people of various beliefs, including those who identify as atheists, as I believe that God's presence can manifest in profound ways, even in unexpected places. I am a soldier of love, and my journey has taught me to appreciate the diverse ways in which people connect with the divine. Peace be with you all.