Monday, June 16, 2014

God wants to show you how to use your hands

I have to share another story about my wonderful church in South Carolina, Morning Star Ministries. I have had so many wonderful experiences and teachings there. The church is known for its prophetic ministry, in which I later had the privilege of serving.

I usually attended the Friday night School of the Spirit, where we learned about our gifts and had an environment to share and use them. One Friday evening, before the service started, an older African American woman in her late 70s turned around from sitting in front of me, smiled, and said, "God wants to show you how to use your hands."

I was so shocked that she said that. I had all of these emotions arise within me, from love and gratitude to even frustration. Out of my frustration, I asked, "What does He want me to do?"

She replied, "He wants to tell you; you need to ask Him." She knew I wanted more answers, and I realized that God had given her exactly what I needed to hear, and there wasn't any more information for her to share.

You see, I was working as a massage therapist, building a clientele, and I knew I could only see a limited number of clients. I thought I had retired as a massage therapist back in 2007, but when I quit my job in 2011 and needed to work, that's what I reverted to.

I loved my clients and the work I did, how I was able to help them. But my body wasn't agreeing with me. I was tired, sore, and felt like I couldn't do it physically. I knew I was making a difference and helping those I worked on, so I didn't understand why I was feeling so terrible and wanted to quit massaging. I didn't know what else I was going to do at that moment, and I didn't want to step into another corporate job.

I remember saying, "I know I'm supposed to heal, and if it's not massage, what is it? How can I help with my hands?"

I had planted the seed for God to respond, so it was no surprise that she had turned to me and answered that. I was still controlling how I was to use my hands because I thought I had to directly touch someone to effectively heal or help them. Although I knew deep in my core and heart that I could send healing through my hands across the room just by setting the intention. I imagined the light coming out of my hands and blessing people with it, sending God's frequency through me.

I shared this with a dear friend of mine who gave me a scripture in Habakkuk that described just that. I loved receiving the confirmation directly from God and also witnessing Him work through His people.

I decided to embrace the gift of healing in my hands and use it in many ways, not just through massage or physical touch. I allow the energy directly from God to flow through me. The way I see it happening and what it accomplishes is truly amazing, both for myself and for others. I can help raise people's frequency by sending this love energy to them.

"Frequency?" Is this a new term for you? Jesus walked the earth as a physical man, and He healed people who were in His presence. In fact, it is written that people tried to touch His clothing just to be healed. Do you remember the story of His resurrection? He asked that Mary not touch or look at Him. What do you think that was about?

His frequency is so strong and directly connected to that energy. He was able to walk on water and perform miracles and works that we too can do today. It starts with belief and raising our own frequency within us, igniting the God energy we all carry—the Christ within us, as it is not something outside of us. It begins by clearing out our negative energy and inviting in the higher God frequency, which is LOVE. To perform greater works than He did, we need to raise our own personal frequency to match or surpass His.

I see this happening through my hands as I heal my body and allow my spirit to enter more deeply into my being. By permitting this frequency to flow through me, I can share it with others and help them discover it within themselves. We all have the ability to heal ourselves and others.

God wants me to share His Love and Healing through my hands, and I am honored to do so, sharing with everyone interested in raising their frequency and learning to heal their wounds and emotions, elevating their frequency to match that of God's.

You are already a healer yourself. Allow the power of God to move through you.
