Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Munay-Ki "I Love You"

I received the Munay-Ki Rites 3 times and have to say they are so transforming.  Looking back at the different times I took them I was so hungry to heal energetically, physically, and emotionally.  They were very impactful and powerful.  Yet, I had to receive them 3 times to fully embrace them and to let go of my fear and resistance.

After spending a few years growing the seeds that have been planting inside of me I can now say I am ready to share them with others.

There was a point in the classes where we used the elements to call in and help us with our healing.  The teacher went over a few and started with water.  Calm, flowing, gentle...Then Fire, hot, slow burning, ect.  Then She said Lightening.  Quick, fast and transforming.  That was it for me!  I called in lightening because I was SO ready to heal.  So ready to let go.  However, my body wasn't.  My body responded in several ways. From a rash, to bloating in my stomach...ect.

As I set up these classes and set the intention for others to heal I wanted to be of service.  I wanted to be able to be available for those who wish to receive, and yet have someone to talk to outside of class and share their experience.  And also to be able to have assistance with their understanding and interpretation of what is taking place.  Everyone is different and everyone will have their own experience.  I'm blessed to be able to help you along this journey.  Help you see for yourself.  Help you see everything is spirit and see who you really are.  The Munay-Ki Rites are amazing.  Explore them!

read more at www.carolynheals.com
The Munay-Ki Rites are nine energetic transmissions passed down from the Q'ero shamans of Peru, given in a beautiful ceremony. Munay is a Q'ero word that means "I love you" or "Be as thou art." These rites harness the power of love to help you create the life and world of your dreams. They raise your energetic vibration and prepare you for the time to come. These rites will aid you in stepping into your destiny to fully live your soul's calling as a person of wisdom and power and a caretaker of this planet   

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