Meditation is a topic you hear about more and more these days. "Meditate on it." It doesn't even matter what your spiritual practice or religion is; meditation is simply about listening.
There are several misconceptions about meditation, some of which I used to have myself. I must admit that I still struggle with "meditating" in the traditional sense. So, I opt for guided meditations led by my mentor or recordings from my classes.
I find it challenging to turn off my brain, and I'm sure some of you can relate. How can you ever truly shut it down? I'd like to share some stories that may resonate with you and help you discover what meditation means to you.
A few years ago, when I started exploring meditation, I took a class through Intuitive Mind. During a meditation exercise, I felt an instant resistance in my body, and my mind started to communicate with me. It said, "You can't relax," "You won't reach that zen place," "Your images aren't real." Despite these thoughts and many more, I persevered through the process, guided by the teacher leading the meditation.
We began by creating a grounding cord and asking our spirit for an image to help us ground. To my surprise, I saw an electric chair. I saw myself sitting in it, and as soon as I sat down, the straps locked tightly around my arms to secure me in place. Now, before you get weirded out, this image was actually quite amusing. It symbolized my lack of grounding and self-care. It made me realize that I was finally "here," and "they" (my guides, my spirit, and GOD) were not letting me go anywhere. This image helped me lighten up and establish a playful connection with my spirit. Back then, I was overly serious and disconnected from my childlike nature.
I continued to practice grounding and running my energy with the techniques I had learned. However, I still felt a sense of disappointment because I couldn't reach that elusive "zen" place. I had envisioned it as a state of complete detachment and inward focus. As I write this, I haven't quite reached that place yet.
About a year later, I went on a spiritual retreat to South Africa. One of our activities was to visit a sacred mountain site, somewhat off the beaten path. I was excited but also skeptical because I wasn't sure I would feel anything during meditation, especially since I was not an experienced practitioner. However, the people I was with were well along their spiritual journeys, older, and seemed to have experienced that elusive "zen" place.
As we reached the mountain and took in the surroundings, we were instructed to begin our meditation. I remember sitting there, trying to let go. In my mind, I said, "God, please, I just want to hear from you. Can you give me just two words?" I sat in silence, occasionally opening my eyes to observe those around me, who appeared deeply immersed in their practice. As I closed my eyes again, I heard two words: "Eagle" and "North." I instantly judged them, thinking I had made them up in my mind. How cliché.
After the meditation session ended and we walked down the mountain in silence, I felt disappointed. I was mad at myself for not being able to clear my mind or meditate the "right" way. Can you sense my frustration with myself? I walked at the back of the line, head down.
Then, the tour guide exclaimed, "Wow, look at all those eagles!" I looked up and saw five or six eagles in front of us. The guide added, "That's unusual. You usually see one, maybe two, but they don't fly in groups."
I was amazed, especially when I remembered that "eagle" was one of the words I had heard during my meditation. I asked, "In which direction are we heading?" He replied, "NORTH."
I almost lost my balance. Did I really hear correctly? Did God truly speak to me? Did I listen and hear, but then judge? For the remainder of our walk, I remained in silent awe and excitement. Little old me had received a message. I felt immensely grateful and apologized a million times for my doubt, vowing never to doubt again.
I share this story to illustrate how our minds work and how they can sometimes get in the way. Even to this day, I question and doubt what I hear and see. However, God always shows up, and I always receive the message and information. My suggestion to you is to find a meditation practice that suits you. Find what makes you feel comfortable, even if it's just sitting quietly for a few minutes.
Meditation is simply taking time for yourself. It can be while walking, sitting in nature, or doing something that makes you feel relaxed. Don't be confined by preconceived notions of what meditation should be. Discover for yourself that "still" place where you can truly hear.
I find great meditation moments while I'm cooking. I'm focused on the task at hand, and my mind begins to clear as my body stays "busy." Walking my dogs while listening to music also helps drown out my mind, allowing me to connect with God.
I believe that grounding and running your energy are excellent ways to start. These practices keep your mind engaged while you work on your energy body.
I have recorded some of my classes, and if you're interested in listening to one of the guided meditations, send me an email, and I'll provide a link to Dropbox for you to access them.
With lots of love,
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