Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Removing unwanted energy

Cutting Cords

When discussing "cutting cords," there is a fear that comes up for most people, along with a common question: "If I cut off someone I love, does that mean they are gone forever?" The answer depends on how you cut the cord and the intentions you set when doing so. But let’s take a step back and talk about what cutting cords is all about.

Have you ever, out of nowhere, had a friend or loved one "pop" into your head? Or suddenly, they just called you when you were thinking of them? Most of us have had this happen at some point in our lives. This is when the energy between people gets connected, and this energy is transferred as soon as it’s a thought.

To explain, visualize this connection "cord" going into your body like a tube and connecting to the other person's body. This is how you feel their energy or have a feeling they were thinking about you or about to call. This can happen at any distance and anywhere around the world.

An example would be a cell phone call; visualize how energy flows even though we don't see it. If you make a call to someone and it's ringing, you are waiting to connect on the other line. You know you are connected when they say hello, but you can’t see the actual connection. You know your voice is traveling to the other end, and you can make a three-way call and bring someone else in on the line. When you are done with the phone call, you hang up or click end, and the phone line is disconnected. You are no longer connected with that person on the other end.

So think about these energy cords in a similar way. When you are done working with someone, speaking to them, or interacting in any way, it is time to disconnect from them and clear the energy. If you don't, then they are still connected. Imagine if you didn't hit end on the cell phone and you started another conversation with someone else in the room. The person on the phone can hear everything; they are now part of the communication. So you need to clear and cut the connection off so that you can start fresh with another one with no interruptions and no one else’s opinions or influence of energy.

We should all own 100% of our energy at all times. We can have a connection with people without having this ongoing energetic connection that cords into us because if we do, then we are leaking energy and giving it away. It doesn't matter if you are in a loving relationship, have children, friends, co-workers, etc. Each person needs to have all of their energy around them. It is important so that they can experience life and journey with their information and not others' influence. With these cords attached to us, other people's information, thought patterns, ideas, and energies are exchanged. There is a time for that when we are connected and engaged in activities and conversations, and there is a time to disconnect once we are not with them. If there is still a connection, you will be leaking your energy, and when that happens, your body will respond. This can leave your body open to fatigue, stress, and many other factors that can cause injury or disease.

Chances are you have corded into someone, or they have corded into you if you have experienced any of these common situations, and there are many more that could be there. You may even feel that you have an emotion that you are not familiar with or cannot explain. You just don't "feel" yourself. That could be a connection with someone else.

Another example is walking into a room and meeting someone, and you had a feeling that they are in a "bad" mood? Or they shifted your mood. You felt really good when you got there, and then all of a sudden your mood changes, and this "Debbie Downer" somehow robbed you of a good time? That is how we feel and connect with other people. It gives us information and can be beneficial to keep us safe. It also is an awareness, and then we need to disconnect so we are back to our own energy.

Have you started your day with high energy and went shopping for a few hours, and then you are so tired or feeling emotions that you didn't start the day having? Chances are you may have had someone connect to you because your energy was stronger than theirs, and they needed to feed off of you. We call these "energy vampires.” This may sound a little scary, but this can happen without your permission. This can happen if you do not have boundaries or protection set up around your energetic body.

There is an appropriate time when you can be connected and "corded" into someone, and there is a time to not be. If you are no longer in a relationship or not speaking to someone, yet they pop into your head once in a while, you may still be connected to them and need to remove the connection.

Even if you are in a relationship, dealing with co-workers, children, etc., after you have been around them, you need to remove the cords so that they have 100% of their energy, and you have yours. This is not cutting them off.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014


"I didn't realize how much I had judged myself and others until my spiritual sister and mentor said to me, 'Wow, it must be hard to be you sometimes.'"

I asked her what she meant.

She replied with this explanation: "You are so hard on yourself. You are worried about what to wear, what your hair looks like, what others may think. It must be exhausting being you."

I have to say I was offended at the moment. But I began to take a look at how harshly I was judging myself, and I can look back, laugh, and share this story.

So, a little backstory to begin: I had just quit my job in 2008 and lost my identity. I didn't realize how much I had tied into my introduction: "Hi, I'm Carolyn Berry, General Manager of LifeTime Fitness." Wow, that always felt so good, and I felt so powerful. I had the title, lived in a wonderful place, got to travel, ate well, dressed well. I was impressed with myself and strived to impress people. I had beautiful hair and fancy clothes and the best-looking shoes in town.

Quitting my job made me see I felt empty. After freaking out and being fearful of what was next, God so graciously helped me out. I had prayed for God to send me like-minded people and to help me on my purpose.

So, three weeks later, I landed another fabulous job. Great title, great travel, great place to live, fancy, fancy I was. Until that ended five months later, and I lost my identity again. Only, I was determined to heal this time.

I met my wonderful spiritual mentors who assisted me in the process of my healing.

And the judgment began.

Kim invited me to live with her in Washington until I figured things out. I decided to go to school and get certified as a personal trainer. I had to do something, and I had to feel productive. I had to have a plan and a goal to feel accomplished.

Kim would ask me to go with her to friends' houses and be social. I'd ask, "What do I wear?" and I mean always. She'd always reply, "What you'd like." Ugh, I hated that reply. I mean, are people dressing up, jeans, dresses, open-toe shoes...?

Before we left, I made sure my hair looked decent at least. I mean, I wasn't able to get a blowout or make it look fancy... but I managed to at least make myself presentable.

Then I'd come up with excuses not to go. I'd say, "What if people ask what I do for a living?" "So what if they do?" she'd reply. "Well, what do I say? I have no job. I don't have my own place. I feel like a loser; I don't have anything going on." It was so hard saying that and being so honest.

"Tell them the truth; you are on sabbatical," she smiled and shared her warm heart.

I didn't even know the word sabbatical or what it meant. But I used it. And I liked it. The community and friends she had were so supportive. I thought people would judge me for doing nothing and for having NO plans. For just being. That sounded so ridiculous.

I remember one sweet friend of hers saying, "Oh, that's wonderful that you can do this now at your age and really take a look at what you want."

I couldn't believe that there were actually people in the world with this kind of attitude. Where was I? Was I dreaming? And they were supportive. This is a community that I wanted to have, and I could just be me. I could expose myself for the things I was going through, sharing the pain and agony. The way I viewed myself and thought of myself with no worry of judgment from these people.

I didn't need the fancy clothes, and I didn't need the fancy shoes. I vowed then to do NO RETAIL for a year. My friends thought I was crazy and didn't think I could do it. It wasn't for financial reasons; I saw how much I had tied material things into how I felt about myself and the power it gave me to be able to buy things. And they are just "things."

Kim showed me how to begin to heal myself. We'd watch TV, and I commented about everything and everyone. I didn't realize how judgmental I was being. I even said to her, "I'm just pointing it out." And she asked me if that was my job. Ugh, how is she so right on!

I soon realized that as I was breaking myself down, I was projecting and breaking others down. I wasn't doing it intentionally. It was just happening until it was pointed out by someone else. And each time I wanted to say something about someone else, I first looked at myself and asked what my behavior was.

Since then and even today, I realize how much power is given away when we judge ourselves. Is it necessary to point out what is wrong with other people?

Yes, Kim did that for me, but it wasn't judgment, it was compassion. It was for healing, and it was to share what I couldn't see.

When we share something with someone and see what needs to be healed, is it out of love? Is it being delivered with compassion? Or is it out of protection of ourselves, so that we are not seen? Is it to take the attention off of us?

Release judgment. Ask God how you can let go of Judgment. Ask God to show you how you are judging others. And to be able to recognize it, to heal it.

There is freedom in not judging. Free yourself by letting go of the Judgment. Start with yourself. It worked for me, and I am able to feel JOY.

Monday, June 16, 2014

God wants to show you how to use your hands

I have to share another story about my wonderful church in South Carolina, Morning Star Ministries. I have had so many wonderful experiences and teachings there. The church is known for its prophetic ministry, in which I later had the privilege of serving.

I usually attended the Friday night School of the Spirit, where we learned about our gifts and had an environment to share and use them. One Friday evening, before the service started, an older African American woman in her late 70s turned around from sitting in front of me, smiled, and said, "God wants to show you how to use your hands."

I was so shocked that she said that. I had all of these emotions arise within me, from love and gratitude to even frustration. Out of my frustration, I asked, "What does He want me to do?"

She replied, "He wants to tell you; you need to ask Him." She knew I wanted more answers, and I realized that God had given her exactly what I needed to hear, and there wasn't any more information for her to share.

You see, I was working as a massage therapist, building a clientele, and I knew I could only see a limited number of clients. I thought I had retired as a massage therapist back in 2007, but when I quit my job in 2011 and needed to work, that's what I reverted to.

I loved my clients and the work I did, how I was able to help them. But my body wasn't agreeing with me. I was tired, sore, and felt like I couldn't do it physically. I knew I was making a difference and helping those I worked on, so I didn't understand why I was feeling so terrible and wanted to quit massaging. I didn't know what else I was going to do at that moment, and I didn't want to step into another corporate job.

I remember saying, "I know I'm supposed to heal, and if it's not massage, what is it? How can I help with my hands?"

I had planted the seed for God to respond, so it was no surprise that she had turned to me and answered that. I was still controlling how I was to use my hands because I thought I had to directly touch someone to effectively heal or help them. Although I knew deep in my core and heart that I could send healing through my hands across the room just by setting the intention. I imagined the light coming out of my hands and blessing people with it, sending God's frequency through me.

I shared this with a dear friend of mine who gave me a scripture in Habakkuk that described just that. I loved receiving the confirmation directly from God and also witnessing Him work through His people.

I decided to embrace the gift of healing in my hands and use it in many ways, not just through massage or physical touch. I allow the energy directly from God to flow through me. The way I see it happening and what it accomplishes is truly amazing, both for myself and for others. I can help raise people's frequency by sending this love energy to them.

"Frequency?" Is this a new term for you? Jesus walked the earth as a physical man, and He healed people who were in His presence. In fact, it is written that people tried to touch His clothing just to be healed. Do you remember the story of His resurrection? He asked that Mary not touch or look at Him. What do you think that was about?

His frequency is so strong and directly connected to that energy. He was able to walk on water and perform miracles and works that we too can do today. It starts with belief and raising our own frequency within us, igniting the God energy we all carry—the Christ within us, as it is not something outside of us. It begins by clearing out our negative energy and inviting in the higher God frequency, which is LOVE. To perform greater works than He did, we need to raise our own personal frequency to match or surpass His.

I see this happening through my hands as I heal my body and allow my spirit to enter more deeply into my being. By permitting this frequency to flow through me, I can share it with others and help them discover it within themselves. We all have the ability to heal ourselves and others.

God wants me to share His Love and Healing through my hands, and I am honored to do so, sharing with everyone interested in raising their frequency and learning to heal their wounds and emotions, elevating their frequency to match that of God's.

You are already a healer yourself. Allow the power of God to move through you.


Saturday, March 1, 2014

My Story

“The practice of forgiveness is our most important contribution to the healing of the world.” 
― Marianne Williamson

Carolyn Berry, Author, Business owner, and Mentor.

My healing journey started as a massage therapist when I graduated from Pacific Coast School of Massage in San Luis Obispo, California, in 1997, specializing in therapeutic techniques including Swedish, deep tissue, lomi-lomi, and reflexology. My passion is helping people, and I'm continuing my journey to heal myself and others through Divine guidance.

My spiritual journey began in 2008 when I went on a tour to Israel with renowned author Caroline Myss. A year later, I traveled to South Africa and learned many other tools for self-healing. In 2011, I joined the Prophetic Ministry at a church, where I continued to develop my ability to hear Divine guidance and utilize God-given gifts. I continue to explore healing modalities and learn how to empower people to live healthy and spiritual lives. My studies in healing and energy work also include Reiki, Access Consciousness, Inner Engineering, Prophetic Ministry, and Intuitive Mind courses, as well as studying with various healers.

My ongoing passion has led me to deepen my understanding of God and the spiritual path through various cultures, including the South African Sangomas, who are traditional Zulu healers. I also received The Rites of the Munay-Ki from the Q'ero Inka tradition with roots in the Nation of Peru.

My Story:

When I began my own healing journey, I changed not just physically but emotionally. I grew in compassion for others, genuinely caring about their experiences and journeys. By working on someone’s body and listening to their story, I can help identify where life went off course for them. It's like solving a mystery; I keep asking questions until I find the answers, listening and connecting with God and using my prophetic gift. It's challenging to explain logically; it's a deep knowing.

I understand this is a gift from God, and I have been called to heal. God works through me, through my hands, and communicates in various ways. My massage teacher once commented that I had a great touch, great hands. Back then, I believed it was all about technique, but it took me years to realize that what I've been given is a unique gift, not possessed by everyone.

Be Open:

Not everyone who comes to me has to share my beliefs. It's perfectly fine if you don't feel comfortable discussing God; it's not necessary for me to help you. I want God to reveal Himself to you in whatever way you need to find Him. You might encounter Him through your healing or connect with Him in another way. I simply ask that you remain open. I want God to have the freedom to work through the healing process. I aim to see you healed in spirit, soul, and body, connected to your true Healer and Higher Self, enabling you to fulfill your full destiny and purpose. Life is short, and how we live it is crucial, impacting not only the present but also those we encounter. What kind of life experience do you want to create for yourself?

Finding the Root Cause:

When someone comes to me with physical issues or feeling stuck in life, I seek to identify the root of the problem and address its source. Every physical ailment has an emotional element, and that's what I search for. Spirit, soul, and body are all intricately connected and must be considered for true healing to occur.

I've learned the importance of considering all aspects of a person’s situation. Genetic and generational issues pass down through family lines, but so do physical and emotional problems. Recognizing and factoring in family dynamics and the past is essential.

However, this type of healing isn't for everyone. It's not for those seeking quick fixes or a magic pill. True healing requires delving into the root of the problem and demands participation from you. Coming to me with a sense of responsibility and a willingness to engage in "homework" will aid in your healing. You're not alone; I am here to assist.

Sometimes, you may deny a problem until you're ready to face it, and that's okay. When the time is right, you'll take action. The path to healing isn't always easy; it often requires courage and persistence. Sometimes, we must fight for it and pursue our healing. Healing takes effort and time, but it's undoubtedly worth it. I delve into these experiences and insights from my own healing journey in detail on my blog and through my book.

You're Not Alone:

If you're experiencing discomfort, emotional or physical issues, or feeling stuck, I would like the opportunity to identify what is truly going on inside you from a spiritual and emotional perspective. I don't diagnose, but I aim to uncover unresolved emotions that may be contributing to your issues. Even if we don't discuss them directly, the energy work initiates the process because your spirit knows what needs to be done. This is where we collaborate and let God work through me.

The truth is, everybody needs help in one way or another. Most people don't invest the time or effort required to achieve full health and wholeness in all aspects of life. This is where I can assist you. Whether through energy work, grounding, guided meditation, or prophetic ministry, allow me to help you reach the next level of optimum health and general well-being.

If traditional doctors and prescription medications have left you frustrated, trapped in a cycle, there is hope. If you haven't found anyone who can uncover the root of your problem, there are alternative approaches, such as energy work, that we can explore. Healing is possible, and I believe that God has the answer for you. I'd like the opportunity to ask Him to reveal it to us. Visit my website.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

Convicted- getting angry with God

I was out for a morning stroll in my usual walk in the woods, feeling how much I love this place. It's filled with trees and beautiful trails. As I walk along this trail, I notice how all of these trees live in harmony and perfect community, with their roots crossing one another and creating stepping stones for my path.

I always start with this prayer before entering the woods: "Angels, please go before me. Let the creatures and crawlers know I am coming. Allow me to appreciate their beauty from a distance. God, if it's within your power, keep me safe and clear my path from anything that may harm me. Thank you."

As I begin walking into the woods, I express gratitude to the woods for welcoming me. I thank the trees for the clean air they provide. I take time to not only focus on the trail but also to observe everything around me. I ask, "Who wants to reveal themselves to me today? What can I see?"

I've seen a beautiful little turtle on the side of the path, making its way down to the river. This brings me joy and reminds me of the time I once had a turtle as a pet. I've seen butterflies fluttering to the left and right of me, always bringing a smile to my face and reminding me of the beauty of life with their vibrant colors and unique patterns. Birds make their calls as I pass along the trail. While walking, I feel a bit anxious about reaching the lake. I love to sit there and see what else will reveal itself while I wait.

As I walk up one part of the trail, I look around as I always do. It's spring and starting to warm up. I begin having a conversation in my head. "I wonder if the new snakes know to stay off the trail? I've been praying and talking to all of them for a year now, but did the new ones get the message? I would think this is the time for them to come out and go to the water."

As I continue along, reassuring myself that the snakes know the rules, I'm suddenly startled. I'm baffled as to why I am thinking about this now. As I look to my left off the trail and on the side bank, I see a HUGE BLACK SNAKE! Fear rushes over me, and I quickly move as far to the right of the trail as possible. I begin to walk faster and faster, not wanting to awaken or scare the snake. Once I've moved several feet ahead, I can't stop looking to the left and right of me, fearing there might be more snakes.

At this point, I'm furious. Anger and rage fill my body inside and out, and I'm letting God know it. "Why is that snake there? Why did I see that? I thought I asked you to..." Before I can finish, I hear, "Wasn't it off your path?"

A sense of shame washes over me, my own shame. Then, a feeling of peace as I sense God's smile.

Yes, He did exactly as I asked in my prayer – to keep me safe, to keep anything off my path. This was a way for me to build trust, trust in my prayer, trust that God does hear me. Though it wasn't how I expected, I'm still protected and safe.

As I walk out of the woods, apologizing a million times, I begin to feel a sense of relief and increased trust. I'm relieved that my prayers were heard. I thank the angels for clearing my path ahead of me.

God is good, and if we pay attention, we can see and hear Him in EVERYTHING